Text Editors¶
I have used vim for some 20+ years. I have tried neovim at several occassions and not felt an urge to switch. However, at some pointin 2023 a co-worker of mine showed me LunarVIM and i took it for a spin. I liked it, and ditched my handrolled vim configs in favor of the turn-key setup provided by LunarVIM.
At that stage nothing felt sacred anymore and at that point then the very same co-worker showed me the Helix editor, then I decided to just go all-in.
The only thing I don’t like about the Helix editor are two tings:
There are no packages for Debian Linux
The name of the executable
. I might just be scarred from typingvim
for decades.
So, currently piloting vanilla vi
and vim
on systems where they are
available, and for my main text-editor and code-mangling I use Helix. Thus, this
page is re-written with notes on getting the Helix editor running.
Install from source¶
Do this:
# Build and install
cd ~/git
git clone https://github.com/helix-editor/helix
cd helix
cargo install --path helix-term --locked
# Runtime Files
hx --health
ln -Ts $PWD/runtime ~/.config/helix/runtime
hx --grammar fetch
hx --grammar build
hx --health
# Create a system-wide symlink named 'lvim'
sudo ln -s /home/safl/.cargo/bin/hx /usr/local/bin/lvim
It might seem like weird thing to name a symlink for the Helix Editor. However,
as mentioned, then I have used vim for a long time, so it is ingrained in my
muscle-memory. The addition of l
infront comes from when I used Lunar VIM.
Thus, today, I like to use they plain version of vi-iMprovied using vim
then having my fancy editor at lvim
name = "c"
#indent = { tab-width = 8, unit = " " }
indent = { tab-width = 8, unit = "\t" }
file-types = [ "c", "h"]
rulers = [99]
text-width = 99
name = "git-commit"
rulers = [72]
text-width = 72
name = "python"
rulers = [88]
text-width = 88
language-servers = ["pylsp"]
black.enabled = true
flake8.enabled = true
isort.enabled = true
ruff.enabled = false
autopep8.enabled = false
mccabe.enabled = false
pycodestyle.enabled = false
pyflakes.enabled = false
pylint.enabled = false
yapf.enabled = false
command = "black"
args = ["--line-length", "88", "--quiet", "-"]
theme = "tokyonight_storm"
insert = "bar"
normal = "block"
select = "underline"
display-messages = true
display-inlay-hints = true
mouse = false
bufferline = "multiple"
true-color = true
rulers = [80]
cursorline = true
color-modes = true
insert-final-newline = false
hidden = false
esc = ["collapse_selection", "keep_primary_selection"]
G = "goto_file_end"
X = "extend_line_above"
ret = ["move_line_down", "goto_line_start"]
C-n = ["extend_to_line_bounds", "delete_selection", "paste_after"]
C-tab = ":bn"
C-S-tab = ":bp"
w = ":reflow"
q = ":quit"
n = ":bn"
space = "all"
tab = "all"
newline = "none"
xorg clipboard (Space+Y)¶
Needs these packages as well:
sudo apt-get install -qy xsel xclip